Sabtu, 02 November 2019

SGC Coins Function as hybrid coins, 60% are supported by Gold

Secured Gold Coin - SGC, is a hybrid coin that is backed by 60 percent gold, is fully decentralized, is free from manipulation of entities, and has many utilities. SGC coins are specifically made for global use with a virtual wallet eliminating the need to carry physical cash. This is a safe, stable, and can be used for all types of crypto users without fear of rapidly declining coin prices. With the ability to spend, receive, and invest SGC coins with your current SGC Pay Debit Card, SGC coins are proven to be the safest and most reliable cryptocurrency available.

Key Objectives
We are focused on achieving three critical objectives. We believe the achievements of these objectives are congruent with the best interests of SGC users and will provide intrinsic value to the communities that embrace SGC coins.


Most of the companies offering gold-backed digital currencies are reluctant to store any physical gold for avoiding the headache of security or any other risk involved. Moreover, they do not want to be dependent on any third party to get involved in their systems to ensure the security of their gold reserves. Secured Gold Coin with its partners, is ready to face the challenges as they store physical gold in a secure vault. Thus, when you become the user of SGC coins, the physical gold equivalent to 60% part of your initially released SGC coin will be attached to your wallet address and displayed on the SGC Blockchain Explorer. So whenever a user buys SGC coins, a gold certificate is attached to the wallet address of the user. Once the certificate is issued, the wallet address shall remain the same even if its traded to other addresses. Which means that the price and quantity of gold mentioned on the certificate against the SGC coin being purchased, will remain the same and cannot change on the re-selling, va uation, or devaluation of the same coin.

Other than our key objective of providing a universal cryptocurrency for users to trade hybrid digital assets (assets + utility), and make payments, we are looking forward to the goals that will lead the SGC coin to become global. With our SGC PAY Debit Card integration, the SGC coin will be adopted as mainstream. The SGC PAY will open new ways of spending and sending SGC coins. The SGC Online Shop aims to provide ways of utilization for our hybrid (asset + utility) coins. And finally listing our coins on global exchanges will make trading easier for the users.

  • We've established a fundamental association with MasterCard, Visa Card, and Union Pay
  • SGC PAY debit card integration
  • List of SGC coins on exchange
  • SGC Online Shop
  • SGC Crypto Bank
  • Achieve at least a 51% utilization rate in the retail based market by 2024.


Challenges in Bangking System

In the banking system, there are several monetary issues specifically in the cross-border payment settlement which is the base of our businesses today. The system has many inherent flaws and challenges that we need to overcome. Many of our businesses are struggling because of the drawbacks of our conventional banking system. The centralized banking system has been the root of the challenges. Banks are controlled by a central authority who demands the users and businesses to be dependent on it. So, even if it is a cross-border payment or even a transaction of one's money from the banks, one is dependent on the banks to perform the transaction which also charges heavy fees in turn. These high fees in themselves are not favorable for businesses as they are a part of the company's profit.

SGC Coin is not only cryptocoin supported by assets but also functions as a hybrid coin. On the one hand, the initial release is 60% supported by physical gold on the other hand it can be used as a utility coin on our E-commerce platform, traded on the exchange or even can be integrated with our SGC PAY Debit Card for further payment options. To make currencies available wherever you go, SGC has introduced various methods for SGC uses. These options make SGC available to you when and when needed according to your needs and choices. From making payments on the online e-commerce platform to paying at the point of sale with the SGC PAY Debit Card, from trading to sending and receiving money from the mobile application, SGC coins have all the options for creating SGC user content.

  • Challenges of Cryptocurrencies

To overcome the issues of traditional investments and stock exchanges, cryptocurrencies were introduced. A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies are classified as a subset of digital currencies and are also classified as a subset of alternative currencies and virtual currencies. Initially, they seem to solve the problems faced in the traditional investment procedures but they have inherent limitations and challenges as well. Over a period of time, cryptocurrencies are evolved in the following manner.

  • Currency Coins

Currency tokens / coins like BTC, ETH, and LTC were made just as a replacement for fiat money. They are used as a payment method and can be traded for real fiat. users have used them as investments owing to the trends of various cryptocurrencies showing an increase in valuation Bitcoin being on the top. But these currency coins specifically bitcoin have been extremely volatile since its inception. The price volatility of bitcoin can be visualized from the graph below where the bitcoin index value for the end of October 2016 was 679 U.S. dollars reaching to 19,783.06 U.S. dollars on December 17, 2017, in just a year.

  • Utility Coins

Utility tokens / coins came into being after the evolution of currency coins. These coins are mostly used in ICO's and expect an increase in value to users by providing practical utilities to the users and platform users. The valuation of these coins is dependent on supply and demand cycles and are thus vulnerable to outside stimuli. One cannot guarantee a future profit while investing in a utility coin. Here's a plot of 118 coins that have been floated onto the markets that have achieved at least an average of $ 250,000 market cap in any one year of their existence. The graph clearly depicts how the value of the most of the coins has fallen

  • Asset-Backed Hybrid Coins

After the introduction of Bitcoin and Ethereum, there has been constant research on improving the cryptocurrency market. The cryptocurrencies have kept on improving from a basic investment based on tradable currencies to utility coins, security coins, asset-backed coins, and now the hybrid coins.
  • Asset-backed

coins are the invention for the future. These are the blockchain coins backed by real valuable assets mostly at 1: 1 ratio but can be changed depending on the need of a platform. Backing a coin with the real-world tangible or intangible object of economic value makes the worth of the coin exactly the value they are backed for. Thus, there is never the risk of losing digital assets until or unless the worth of assets falls.

SGC Hybrid Coins

Benefits of Asset-Backed Coins
Tokenizing assets have become a very advantageous source of making investments as it is turning the world into a massive stock market. There are some benefits of asset-backed coins given below:

  • Liquidity enhancement

Asset tokenization enhances the liquidity of assets that otherwise has very low liquidity. It allows asset owners to capture liquidity premiums from assets that otherwise, due to low liquidity would not be actively traded because of low liquidity results in making assets expensive to trade.

  • Instant traceability via exchanges

Liquidity matters when introducing a new type of asset; users will be nervous and so will want to avoid long-term lock-ins. Real-time settlement offers instant traceability via crypto exchanges, which is the first step towards liquidity.

  • Diversification of risk

Through tokenizing assets, people who cannot make huge investments can invest in some percentage of the whole asset making them able to get the ownership of one cheap part instead of an expensive whole. Tokenizing the asset allows diversification of risk such that one owner won't be much affected if the whole asset is damaged and loses its value because it has invested in a part of different assets.

  • Ownership transference without restrictions

Asset-backed coins let the dealers and owners transfer ownership without the restrictions of temporal and territorial barriers as the coins can be sold globally.

  • A secure and cost-efficient way of getting ownership

Asset-backed coins on blockchain provide secure, cost-efficient, and fast ways of getting ownership as the transactions on the blockchain have low to no transaction costs.

  • Referral incentivization for influencers

An influencer who has fractional ownership of an asset through asset-backed coins is incentivized for bringing more users or buyers into the asset.

  • Low administrative costs

Tokenization diminishes the administrative costs: due to excessive documentation because smart contracts instantly execute agreements that improve the speed of settlements.

  • Availability of assets' ownership history

Trust through verifiability, transparency, and immutability. This is where regulation is critical as we are in the scammy era of Blockchain today. Tokenizing the assets using block - chain makes the asset securitization easier because the owners can know the history of the assets about previous ownership. Moreover, lawyers can make use of the transaction history to transfer ownership of the assets. In this way, the frauds like occupying land illegally, in the real estate industry would be minimized as complete history would be available.

People often question how digital currencies can have value without being backed up by any tangible assets. The answer is: they are more durable, invisible, functional, scarce, and transferable than fiat currencies. But there are several digital currencies backed by tangible assets known as asset-backed tokens / coins. The most popular of asset-backed digital currencies are Gold-backed coins that have physical gold to sustain their value. The potential asset-backed coin market size is much bigger and encompasses different assets such as oil, gold, fiat currencies, diamonds, real estate, shares of companies, artwork, intellectual property etc.

Security Tokens
Security tokens and Security Token Offerings (STO) are the new things in the market. They were introduced to tackle the problem of currency tokens and utility tokens. Security tokens offer dividends from the company’s profits to the users. They work the same as the stock exchange shares. Security tokens are however more secure than utility currencies but the problem of losing all the investment in the case of loss is still there. There is just a need for a digital asset that can assure users of some guaranteed value to remove the insecurities. The predicted hype cycle also foresees a fall in the liquidity of the security tokens in the upcoming years.

SGC Wallet

Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited has developed its crypto wallet that will facilitate the users to make transactions and view their information on transactions made by themselves. SGC in its aim to provide users with ease with as many options as possible, has developed the SGC Wallet across multiple platforms including SGC Web Wallet, SGC Mobile Wallet (Android, iPhone), and SGC Desktop Wallet (Windows, Linux, MAC).

Coin at Time of Initial Release

  • Total Price Per Coin (USD): $ 1
  • Utility Part Price Per Coin (USD - 40%): $ 0.4
  • Gold Part Price Per Coin (USD - 60%): 0.6
  • Current Gold Price Per Gram (USD): $ 40
  • Gold Per Coin (Grams): 0.015 gm

Coin at Time of Initial Release

  • Total Price Per Coin (USD): $ 10
  • Utility Part Price Per Coin (USD - 40%): $ 8.8
  • Gold Part Price Per Coin (USD - 60%): $ 1.2
  • Current Gold Price Per Gram (USD): $ 80
  • Gold Per Coin (Grams): 0.015 gm


This schedule of events is merely a projection of future coin releases: depending on demand and supply and is subject to change at any time. Deviations from this schedule will be accompanied by an official announcement to the public. Furthermore, the total supply of SGC coins in existence will not be at any point in time exceeding one billion SGC coins.


  1. Join at:
  2. Contact ID:
  3. SGC Sale Start Date: October 04th, 2019
  4. Special Offer End Date: October 14th, 2019
  5. SGC Sale Supply: 1 Million
  6. Coin Price: 1 US Dollar
  7. Currencies Accepted: BTC, ETH, USD

SGC Team

LINKEDIN - https: //www.linkedin. com / company / sgc-official /
WHITEPAPER - 0.1.pdf

Bitcointalk Username: saiful
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=858487
Telegram Username: @ saiful993
Email Address:
ETH: 0xe050b5b6aab7bebbe65b8b2baf4ff5e5ce730735

Senin, 30 September 2019

"MineMuse" Practical and Technical cryptocurrency mining makes it possible for everyone.

About US
The current cryptocurrency has led to a marked expansion in energy consumption for mining and mining activities in countries with lower social and environmental standards - where electricity is widely produced using fuel oil. The worst part remains, how the initial decision making process in this network is increasingly changing due to the increasing concentration of mining in the hands of several large companies and the change in protocol, the difficult need to increase in being hampered by the economic interests of several. We all at MineMuse believe that anyone from anywhere must have access to and support for what cloud mining offers; cryptocurreny mining is practically and technically possible for everyone.

Our Vision for the Future
Miners with less power and less infrastructure end up spending more than the revenue generated. The reason; expensive hardware, expensive electricity, maintenance and security along with problems such as hardware and electricity failures, network outages, price variations, among others.

To make mining truly accessible, profitable and free from Hassel for everyone and to be more cost effective, we at MineMuse have found a solution. We produce our own ASIC for future use. We will make our own electricity using available natural resources, which will reduce our mining costs; also with its use we will be able to mine more in less timeframes.

Producing our own ASIC will result in less expenditure on the hardware to be used. We also plan to sell our own ASIC to other mining companies, which will help us grow together with profits.

Our mission
We all at MineMuse want cryptocurrency mining available for every mining enthusiast. Our mission is to connect with people all over the world and give them the best from mining, with less expenditure and more profit.

We aim to give our best and collect the smallest amount which will also help us in our growth.


Low Cost Electricity
The crypto mining business sector is very dependent on energy supplies. Price and availability of electricity are two of the most important factors for mining companies. Electric power is a medium where maximum profits for mining can be generated so that more emphasis is placed on saving electricity.

Countries such as Russia, Belarus, and Venezuela have surplus electricity and renewable energy resources such as Solar Systems, Turbines etc. Also the cost of power is very cheap compared to other regions.
In order to be efficient and to meet the best requirements in terms of low cost electricity supply, we have set up mining stations in the region and also have access to many natural resources that help reduce the infrastructure that will be used and increase overall profits.
Coin Details
TOKEN NAME:                                                               MINEMUSE
TOKEN CODE:                                                                MNM
TOTAL OFFER:                                                               41 MILLION
TOKEN PRICE:                                                               0,3 $ PRESALE
PUBLIC SALES TOKEN PRICE:                                 $ 0.5
TOTAL CROWDSALE:                                                  45% OF TOTAL SUPPLY
REFERRAL COMMISSION:                                          5%
Untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas dan lebih akurat, silakan kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:

Bitcointalk Username: saiful
Bitcointalk Link Profil:;u=858487
Telegram Username: @saiful993
ETH addrees: 0x2BBEEA86F155668d78FB108da0Ff5725B06f6994

Kamis, 26 September 2019


If you want to see more in digitale digitale, you will find technology where you can find it easier and better for this problem, then send more to the client. Apart from that, you can also find more than one trade worldwide, or buy the ORX token services from the ORX basati sulla tecnologia blockchain con systema senza commissioni che copre le operator this e il conio della propria currency. L'obiettivo principale in Orionix and fornire una piattaforma per la sicurezza, lo scambio and comunicazione tra i giocatori. There are no games and benefits available to use here, better, and skin accounts for each ORX. L'obiettivo del progetto and quello in l'universo combinare in gioco without tokens, without additional costs for each choice. There are no changes to the MOBA, MMORPG, FPS, RTS or other qualifications, and the team at Orionix fornirà le migliori soluzioni in trading tutti i giochi preferiti degli utenti.

Bonus Program
Buy ORX Tokens
Token Specifications

Orionix ha una squadra dedicata per soddisfare le esigenze dei giocatori e offrire un ambiente sicuro per il trading in denaro reale (RMT). Where you can get more, better than others in the quest'area, and the Orionix progetto mira a proteggere i giocatori e offre accordi onesti, and includes sicurezza fornita durante la transazione. Funziona comes from the inteligente system of che mira a combinare le because of facce della stessa medaglia. In addition, without making an ORX secondo gli ERC-20 standard, it is usually not related to everything related to everything related here and also more related to video cameras.

In the following seconds, you can add the Web and your approval program here for easier access and easier access to ORX. Read more about more information about this account and verify using the full service and solution in the protocol at monitoraggio below below monitor monitor to monitor on the blockchain.

If you don't have a principle, use it here to trade on the internet. Oggi, I like to spend time making choices for everyone and choosing them. Previously, you had to enter this file and put it in the following list including each transaction line. Look here to see more information below and be sure to remove more of this problem and deal with your problem.

Come on Funziona Orionix

If you do not have innovation, modern and successful in this phase, this will make you better, but now. With this, you don't need to play solo to get more than one of these, more than one port per molti anni a venire. Add to friends list all over the world, Add to contact with us. Pertanto, decide on the risolvere questo problema e realizzare il più maybe i suoi piani innovativi.

All teams have all information and experience about this industry. La Orionix priority team in the future and where you are not responsible for the operating system comes Windows, Mac, Linux, but it is not available for iOS and Android. In addition, l'obiettivo della piattaforma and trovare partner, chiave nel, returned dei giochi per garantire l'interazione autorizzata according to its partner, with search partners.


  1. Additional commissions: different digit commissions, non richiede ORX commissions. Give my approval to do transactions with commissions for other traders.
  2. Una soluzione in innovativa trading per giocatori e trader.
  3. Scalabilità del progetto: agreed in partnership with the main principles in gioco.
  4. Special offers in Alto Livello: Transaction Sicure Al 100% E Portafoglio Con Maggiore Sicurezza.

Dettagli chose ICO

  • ORX = 0.1 $
  • Soft Cap: $ 300 000
  • Hard Cap: $ 42 000 000
  • ICO: 01.08 - 01.11
With Verwendung and the Dezentralen System, you will find Welt zu vereinfachen, and Entwickler beschlossen, zwei Token in ORIONIX zu kombinieren. Einer von ihnen wird mit dem ERC-20-Standard gekennzeichnet und ist für alle Finanztransaktionen im Zusammenhang mit dem Kauf und Verkauf von etwas innerhalb des ORIONIX bestimmt. With Tokens, you can use, or ORX-Markers for systems and systems that are better than Systems and Marking Systems or Systems from ORIONIX-Systems from Systems or Systems. If you have Protokoll des zweiten Tokens, you will get Tokens and Kryptowährungsbörsen zu handeln und Ihre Gewinne bestmöglich zu erfassen. Do ich heutzutage für äußerst practicalch stops.


Q4 2018
  • Projektplanung and Marktforschung
  • Partnerschaft mit technischen Experten
  • Forschung zu Infrastruktur-Kryptowährungen and Blockchain-Technologie
Q1 2019
  • Teambuilding
  • Initialisierungsentwicklung
  • E-Commerce-Planung
  • Bonus Ellenen program
Q2 2019
  • Airdrop and Kopfgeld
  • Token Sales
  • Orionix-Verteilung
Q3 2019
  • Whitepaper V2
  • A brief explanation for Windows / Mac / Linux
  • Auflistung in der Exchange-Ledger-Nano-Integration
  • Trezor-Integration
Q4 2019
  • Expansion without Süden o-Ostasien
  • Entwicklung des Orionix-Benutzer-Ökosystems
  • Anwendung's cellphone
  • Einführung der Beta-Webplattform
  • Starten Sie die Offizielle Plattform
  • Nach Partnern suchen
  • Orionix Foundation
Meet Our Team
All Digital Experts Under One Umbrella.

Bitcointalk Username: saiful
Telegram Username: @ saiful993
ETH addrees: 0xD806F6eD305D8180834Da1DF352e37e207955B71

Jumat, 20 September 2019

Project overview Mitoshi Cryptoloto

Hello everyone, I want to introduce about this project. Mitoshi is very interesting for his future and good, that is, and for more information, let us move on to the next discussion:
MITOSHI is a new generation of online blockchain and crypto lottery based games. Centralization in today's global lottery has become very difficult for lotteries to grow. Taxation, slow payments, and rules hurt the industry. Mitoshi Crypto Lotto supports solving this problem with the help of smart contracts on the blockchain platform. Mitoshi CryptoLotto will bring a truly transparent and honest lottery experience to the world market. Players will be able to enjoy various lotteries for almost instant pay. They will be able to use a truly transparent platform that guarantees honesty and comfort in their game.

Currently, lotteries are very popular, winning 50% of the adult market in the US and 75%, which won from the UK market. The Chinese lottery market is now second only to the United States with sales of $ 68 billion in 2017. We believe that smart contracts on the blockchain platform are the next supporters for the industry game, and we are ready to beat. Our mission is to promote the global lottery market by providing an honest, transparent and secure platform that is accessible to anyone in the world.

Mitoshi CryptoLotto ICO is provided as a crowdfunding supporter to support projects that support and support this and support our first supporters. Participating in the sale of Mitoshi tokens will allow you to get more money from playing games in our online lottery and giving you full access to the Mitoshi platform. In addition, mitoshi tokens will be sold in cryptocurrency after our ICO completes work, providing full access to trading and selling your Mitoshi property.

Mitoshi has a vision to provide a truly fair, safe and transparent crypto lottery experience that is easily accessible to world markets. It is hoped that as a truly international crypto lottery game, it will offer a lottery that complements the geographical regions of Asia, North America and Europe. Mitoshi crypolotto tokens can be purchased using fiat and cryptocurrency.

Smart Lottery Contract
Mitoshi will use the blockchain platform and smart contracts to collect, access funds and buy sales commissions through our assistance program. With smart contracts, neither the winning numbers nor lottery tickets can be falsified. Mitoshi Cryptolotto will have a decentralized community owned by the online community - thanks to the power of the blockchain.

Global withdrawal at Mitoshi
there will be various lotteries. Each lottery receives a large payment for the winners. Mitoshi Crypto Lotto will have global reach, allowing anyone from all over the world to be approved on the fingers

Token Sales Information
Mitoshi tokens are service tokens (users) that use the standard Ethereum ERC20 platform, and sales tokens to provide in future Mitoshi lotteries on smart contract platforms.

Token Name: Mitoshi Token Symbol: MTSH Starting from token sales: June 15, 2019 Final token sale: November 14, 2019 Total number of tokens: 100,000,000 Total number of sales: 68,000,000 Total personal sales: Not available for sale Distribution 10% partners 7% Bonuses and airdrops.

Presale Token: $ 8 million. Main sales token: $ 2 million. Soft Close is set to: $ 2 million. Hard Capture to: $ 10 million. Crypto & FIAT Accepted Currencies: ETH, BTC & USD Minimum purchase limit: 25 MTSH tokens

Mitoshi CryptoLotto Features:

  • Global appeal in Asian corners (Chinese, Korean and Japanese players); North America (American and Canadian players) and Europe (English and German players). The site and application will be translated into 5 main languages.
  • Neither the winning numbers nor lottery tickets can be falsified.
  • Lotteries may not be banned. You only need to access the Internet and cryptocurrency wallet to play it.
  • There is no problem repairing the system.
  • Commissions that exempt sales commissions are provided by smart contracts and provide the most endless source for token holders.
  • You can win by getting 3 points correctly, not six.
  • 50% of the funds collected will be directed towards prize funds - which will grow exponentially.
  • Distribution and payment procedures are transparent and supported by smart contracts.
  • Mitoshi tokens exceed $ 0.20 during the ICO sales period, well below the regular lottery price of $ 2.00. We bought a lot of fans and investors who bought Mitoshi tokens, not including huge losses. This is just peanuts.
  • Loto Mitoshi Crypto is anonymous.
  • Victory in various sizes. Victories are not taxed.
  • Because the compilation does not match the lottery, the jackpot is divided into dates, which are determined and shared among ALL ACTIVE PLAYERS * lottery. EVERYTHING WINS.
For more detailed information you can visit below !!!

Bitcointalk Username: rijal
Telegram Username: @kidguga1
ETH address: 0xa38c03854DBe77164601c01bAd879ADf0449eeB4

Selasa, 10 September 2019

PIXBY Blockchain-powered Freelance Market

The Pixby Freelance Marketplace
PIXBY is a blockchain-powered freelance market where those who already have creativity will be given an award for everyone, to get the creativity award you must show your ability skills. We offer a one-stop solution for people who are looking for freelancers to complete various types of tasks. PIXBY will operate through a combination of the PIXBYTOKEN API and other established software tools and applications, along with decentralized Ethereum (Dapp) applications that will execute PXB tokens, and minimize the need for intermediaries which makes the freelance market too expensive. In this case, it also uses a decentralized blockchain network as a means of payment infrastructure to provide royalties and reward all those who support the system.

Our goal here is to build and implement blockchain technology in other areas of daily life and build a freelance market that rewards users in return.

About PixbyToken
Pixbytoken (PXB) is a very pure version of the peer-2-peer cryptocurrency utility. Based on the Ethereum network which has proven time, PXB tokens have been proven to provide the ability to make online transactions smoothly and easily - with maximum speed and unlimited scale. Therefore PXB has functioned as a utility token in the decentralized PIXBY market.

Freelance Economy Analysis

  • Employees use to quickly evaluate the benefits of working with independent specialists and freelance services - this is not only seen in terms of lower prices but in terms of the ability to view artist portfolios, reviews from other companies, ratings and statistics in the profile. All data that we have produced in this work process is very difficult to fake.
  • Just like what we have shown in this study, the freelance economy is booming, with 56.7 million Americans doing casual work today - up 3.7 million since 2014, according to a new survey of 6,001 workers who have been assigned by the freelance platform Upwork giants and Union Freelancers.
  • According to a report that has been called "The Future of Work: The Rise of Independent European Professionals", Europe's freelance economy looks like the following.
  • The number of casual workers has increased 45% from just under 6.2 million to 8.9 million in 2013, making them the fastest growing group in the EU labor market.
The solution from PIXBY:
Decentralized Application (DApp)

The ideal solution is a solution that allows freelancers to work on a platform where they get full control over their profits. It is also important to protect clients from scammers who leave. This solution proved difficult, but not impossible.
Escrowed trading, for example, makes it possible to make secure P2P transactions, in other words, when the user has paid the seller, a certain amount of each crypto asset needed to close the transaction, the asset is transferred from the buyer's wallet and locked by the escrow service. Assets will be locked until the person to whom the buyer confirms the work will be received immediately as described, if there are crew support issues we will immediately resolve them based on the evidence that has been provided by both parties. There is another bonus to the use of blockchain technology is the decentralized application (DApp) which has been supported by the Ethereum network. DApps is a smart contract that mimics the logic of business agreements. Because they are decentralized and run on the blockchain, they minimize the need for intermediaries (banks, brokers, lawyers, courts, escrow agents) to guarantee the implementation of tokens.
Describe these features in a single platform that provides the ability to eliminate intermediaries from the system, and will significantly reduce transaction costs, in this case, also utilize a decentralized blockchain network as a means of payment infrastructure to provide royalties and reward all those who support system.

Here we present PIXBY, the new freelance market that addresses all of these problems. PIXBY is a decentralized application platform (DApp), that is, 'blockchain smart contract enabled', which protects your assets from fraudsters and gives you PIXBYTOKENs tokens (PXB)

ICO & Token Information
Pixbytoken (PXB) is purely a cryptocurrency version of the peer-2-peer utility. Based on the time-proven Ethereum network, the PXB token provides the ability to make online transactions smooth and easy - with maximum speed and unlimited scale. Therefore PXB functions as a utility token in the decentralized PIXBY market.
Our tokens are based on Ethereum Blockchain ERC-20. All wallets that are compatible with ERC-20 have the ability to store and store PXB tokens.

  • Token Name: PIXBYTOKEN
  • Token Ticker: PXB
  • Total Supply: 150,000,000
  • Hard Cap: 63,375 ETH
  • Soft Cap: No.
  • Type: ERC20
  • ICO Price: 0,000625 ETH
  • Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, USDT
  • Minium Contribution: 300 PXB
  • KYC: YES
  • Smart Contract: 0xe8bad244f2a9881d3d7e826c5ec23e5391f3166c
Distribution of tokens released
PIXBY's public pre-sale will take place on 31/08/2019 and will be offered to the public through Token Sale
Management Dashboard. 97,500,000 (65%) of the total PXB supply will be managed for public sales, and
45,000,000 (30%) PXB will be used for long-term project development, including Marketing & PIXBY
partners 7,500,000 (5%) of PIXBY's supply will be secured for Airdrops & Bounty in the future.
All unsold tokens will be secured for the PixbyRewards program.
Shadiyar Kempirbay
Founder | CEO
Team Leader
Ayaulym Olzhas
Marketing Executive
Goodnews Richard
Content Marketing Manager
Community Moderator
Antony Jaye
Community Moderator

For clearer information, you can click the link below !!!

Bitcointalk Username: saiful
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=858487
Telegram Username: @ saiful993
ETH address: 0x2BBEEA86F155668d78FB108da0Ff5725B06f6994

Senin, 02 September 2019


Keterangan foto tidak tersedia.
MILLENNIUM MINING CORPORATION. It was established as a corporation in Sierra Leone. Ownership of MILLENNIUM MINING CORPORATION is held by IEO team members.
Dovid Hauck has been elected to be President, Chief Executive and director of MMC since it was founded. Dovid Hauck is also the Chief Executive of M&S Ventures Limited, a Sierra Leone company involved in the mining of diamonds, gold and other precious stones and metals in Sierra Leone. Dovid Hauck at M&S ​​Ventures Limited transferred the mining license that the government has issued to Millennium Mining Corp. Dovid Hauck is a salesperson and sales manager for Forest Diamonds, the largest diamond wholesaler.
Shlomo Bleier has served as MMC's director since its inception. Mr. Bleier, originally from Hungary, has been in the diamond industry for more than 30 years and Mr. Bleier has been involved in mining operations in Brazil and Sierra Leone for the past 10 years. From 1988 to 2002, he worked for Simcha Diamond Ltd. in Brazil, and from 2000 to 2004 he was a partner at the S&T Mining Group, there was a Sierra Leone mining operation where he served as head of operations administration, prospecting, surveying and mining. From 2004 to 2007, Mr. Bleier is a consultant for M&S Ventures Ltd., a company involved in mining in Sierra Leone.
MILLENNIUM MINING CORPORATIO Is a planned company that will penetrate the market in the business operations of mining companies specializing in the extraction of diamonds, minerals and other valuable geological materials from the earth. A team of highly experienced geologist specialists will apply sophisticated exploration techniques designed to create higher diamond production volumes. MILLENNIUM MINING CORPORATIO serves the fields of business in mining that function as a more productive operation while controlling expenses. To do this, he maintains his headquarters where his management staff will be located in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Management never allows a situation where the company supports a location or building that is not absolutely necessary for the company's most effective operations.
MILLENNIUM MINING CORPORATIO starts operating in 2019. The inspiration for the company is the awareness that there is a need for diamond mining companies to provide investment opportunities that have enormous potential for investors.
MILLENNIUM MINING CORPORATIO. Coordinate with the productivity of market demand to ensure the success of sustainable mining. The approach emphasizes the individual participation of each employee and member of this organization in the total process of building a company to gain an increasing market share. Guiding and assisting employees with knowledge and awareness will build a very strong foundation to achieve the most ambitious goals. MILLENNIUM MINING CORPORATIO. Realizing this is the ideal time to build its business in this growing industry and move forward in stable development over the next five years.

The company launched the initial offer exchange (IEO) with the aim of enabling collaborative extraction of diamonds. IEO provides the possibility to obtain the machinery and manpower needed to run the operation. By doing this, the token owner can take an active part in the story of Millennium Mining Corp by directly capturing an important part of the company's turnover.
ICOIN emission rates are calculated based diamond mining costs: labor, machinery, electricity, energy and markets. ICOIN is token ERC20 on public blockchain Ethereum. Being ERC20 means to inherit all the features (balance, transfer, approval) of a standard token Ethereum the most widely used and tested.


money will be allocated to operate in accordance with all requirements including travel, equipment, equipment and supplies, property rights, employment, scientific testing and other operational costs. This business plan will show the components that make up and achieve this attractive business venture.

Millennium Mining Corp has created the iCoin International sign (ICOIN) to fund its operations. Return on investment has several components including market growth and market injection. The profits from the mined diamonds will be injected back into the ICOIN market as follows:
  • Year - 12 month periods from the start of mining
  • Profit% - the percentage of profit reinjected in the ICOIN market
  • Estimated Cash - The dollar amount is expected to be injected back ICOIN.
  • Impact on ICOIN - estimated growth from ICOIN
  • Impact of other tokens to date: Ethereum - 62,331%, Binance Coin - 19,062%, IOTA - 15,470%, ARK - 4872%, Augur - 3407%
  • Professional diamonds use a grading system developed by GIA in the 1950s, which established the use of four important factors to describe and classify diamonds: Clarity, Color, Cut, and Carat Weight. The following factors have an impact on product value: Diamond purity, Diamond crystal quality, Ultra-thinness plate, Polishing plate, Market leadership & Mining costs.


Launch of iCoin International
Kickoff Exchange initial offer
Machine acquisition
Site preparation
Mobilization of labor
River diversion
Extraction kickoff
Q1 - Q4
Return on investment
First market injection
Mining growth potential
Identification of other mining locations
Sustainable market injection
Other types of identification of natural resources
Operating expansion
For more detailed information you visit the link below !!!
Bitcointalk Username: saiful
Telegram Username: @ saiful993
ETH addrees: 0x799FFca55C7A9b7C0910799549A458066B2a5704

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2019

Soraix Changes Traditional Exchange with Tokenizing Using Blockchain Technology Assets

About Soraix
Soraix is determined to radically change traditional exchanges by tokenizing asset exchanges using blockchain technology. At the same time, we strive to change public perceptions about digital assets in a positive direction, which will lead to broader adaptation and stability in the industry. Soraix will provide significant benefits for traditional investors (retail traders, the general public) and companies of all sizes. Traditional users will benefit from our first revenue sharing model, which allows them to exchange their SRX tokens for tokens of higher value (and, if they wish, immediately sell equity tokens purchased for fixed currency, guaranteeing all benefits). in trade). Corporate clients will be able to collect funds, issue tokens on our platform. More about this.
  • the features

For traders
Retailers will be offered a variety of simple and complex trading tools and functions, including models for expected income distribution.

For investors
Soraix will allow investors to buy digital shares of the company in the form of stock tokens and exchange them

  • Technical information

SRX token
SRX tokens can be used to buy equity tokens with a value of 1: 1, which allows traders to exchange tokens of lower value with tokens of higher value.

Token Promotion
Share tokens can be considered as a digital version of the issuing company's shares, where each share token is included in one issuing company stock.

Initial Investor Bonus
Initial Investment Bonus - By purchasing SRX tokens for the first two weeks of our ICO, we will match your purchase with an additional 10% SRX token at no additional cost to you. The bonus will be 5% for investors who bought our tokens during weeks 3 and 4.

>>> Our mission
Our mission is to radically change traditional stock exchanges by tokenizing asset exchanges using blockchain technology. At the same time, we are determined to change the public's perception of digital assets in a positive direction, which will lead to broader adaptation and stability in the industry.

After Hours access to Stock Market
Traditional stock markets are highly restricted by operating only during business hours, and in the local time zone of the market in question. A trader, owning shares of a major public company, wishing to respond to market events in real-time must wait until the market re-opens, by which time the opportunity to capitalize on events in questions may have passed.

High Frequency Trading

One of the most controversial discoveries in traditional stock markets over the past few years, was the rapid proliferation of HFTs (High Frequency Traders). In short, these are the mechanisms by which a trader can see a preview of a trade that's about to be executed on an exchange, and adjust his / her position based on the trade that it's about to be executed. For example, if a given entity is aware that one million shares of a given stock are about to be purchased, they can assume a slight increase in the value of that stock to take place moments later. This enables them to purchase available shares at the current rate, expect them to increase in value micro seconds later, and resell them immediately thereafter. The entity who was just about to place the one million share order, may now no longer see the one million shares available at the price displayed - as the price will have increased, between the moment they hit 'Enter' on their keyboard to execute the order- and the microseconds it stores for their orders to arrive at the exchange. This is a simplification of HFT’s. However, no one can overstate how disruptive the advent of High Frequency Trading is to the integrity of the stock market. Having a 'flash' of trades that are about to be executed, and the ability to trade with this information, greatly shifts the edge to those with access to HFT tools, and away from regular traders without such access.

Together, we will solve these challenges
Stock Markets, Blockchain, and the Equity Token

The exchange of paper securities dates back to the 14th century, when Venetians would carry with them slates of information related to the various issues for sale, issued by governments and trade them with clients. Since then, a myriad of assets and securities have become available for trade via countless exchanges around the world. However, the technology upon which these trades are executed and verified dates back to the middle of the 20th century.

Trade with those you trust
Fancy business models, great designs, and catchy slogans are great. But what value do they truly hold, if the company behind them shares an address with a dozen others, on an island few can find on a map, where are the regulations intended to protect you are essentially written in sand?

While there are certainly short-term benefits associated with establishing a business in tropical offshore jurisdictions (demonstrated by the overwhelming majority of crypto platforms domiciled offshore), at Soraix we believe offering our users maximum protection and transparency, is the best approach to building a sustainable , long-term relationship with our customers.

Soraix is headquartered in Zug, Switzerland, ensuring our users the greatest legal and technical protection of their rights and assets. Regulations in Switzerland are clear, expansive, and in many regards favor the consumer.

Significant reductions in the cost of raising capital
The costs associated with raising capital via traditional avenues (an IPO) are extravagant even by conservative measures. Unless a company is prepared to incur costs well in excess of US $ 1 million, even for an entry level IPO - their prospects for raising capital are very slim.

By shifting the issuance of traditional company shares, onto the blockchain (known as Equity Tokens), Soraix will render companies of virtually any size capable of issuing their own digital Equity Tokens, available for purchase by investors on our platform. Following a strict compliance and screening process, a company wishing to raise modest amounts (under $ 100,000, for example) will now be able to raise capital, incurring only negligible fees, in comparison to prohibitive costs associated with traditional stock exchanges and IPOs.

We are determined to enable companies of all sizes to drive.
Order Matching Engine
Our order matching engine will be built utilizing the latest available technology, rendering Soraix among the fastest exchanges on the market from onset. The possibility of order execution suffering any delays will be extremely unlikely on our platform, and we will invest heavily to ensure we remain at the forefront of order execution.
The Soraix Advantage
The Soraix User Experience
The Soraix user experience will be the result of extensive research of established (and upcoming) platforms. We intend to provide a simple, feature-rich user experience, without overwhelming the user.
The SRX Token
SRX Token Allocation
Allocation of the SRX token will be as follows:

for detailed information you can visit below !!!
Bitcointalk Username: saiful
Bitcointalk Link Profil:;u=858487
Telegram Username: @saiful993

ETH addrees: 0x799FFca55C7A9b7C0910799549A458066B2a5704

SGC Coins Function as hybrid coins, 60% are supported by Gold

ABOUT SGC COIN S ecured Gold Coin - SGC, is a hybrid coin that is backed by 60 percent gold, is fully decentralized, is free from manipul...